
Crypto Valley - search results

Former IBM member: “coronavirus causes investors to suffer economic uncertainty”

It is a leading company in the blockchain and fintech space, covering advisory, corporate finance, and venture capital

Blockchain and real estate: 5 disruptive projects

The goal is to combine one of the oldest and least dynamic assets in the world with a highly innovative technology whose speed and granularity are some of its strong features

Happy birthday Roger Ver

Bitcoin Jesus turns 41 today

Eidoo 2019 In Review & 2020 Vision

2019 has been a year of great change for Eidoo. It was a year of many firsts, bringing us challenges, and even more lessons. Developing...

Switzerland against the state digital currency: too many risks

The CBDC report by the Swiss Federal Council has been published

Switzerland publishes a manual on the regulation of tokens

These are the guidelines for the issuance of equity and debt in full compliance with the relevant regulations

Italy: the supermarket where you pay in bitcoin

Perhaps the first place where you can buy groceries with BTC

Zerobanks: the blockchain is financed by crowdfunding

Instead of an ICO or an IEO, ZeroBanks preferred a more traditional method

Telegram: TON blockchain to be launched in October

The source is TON Board, a private channel created by Gram's investors

Bitcoin Cash City Conference Success Wrap-Up

Many new merchants began accepting BCH in time for the event

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