
Crypto Valley - search results

Blockchain: Animoca Brands acquires Lympo

A $1.38 million purchase to expand digital gaming to the fitness world

Ripple: million dollar partnership for TransferGo

A collaboration with Bank UK Branch (SVB) to develop and enhance their payments flow

Theta Labs on the Google Cloud blog

Given the use of Google's platform, and the partnership with NASA, a long article has been dedicated to Theta

Notarify brings the blockchain into the legal sector

The most important Italian portal dedicated to the legal world has decided to use the platform

Chris Larsen, Ripple: “China can take control of Bitcoin”

The Executive Chair and co-founder of the company hurls himself against the very first blockchain and the overwhelming dominance of the Chinese

Uber, hackers paid in bitcoin

The facts date back to 2016, the former CSO is in trouble

Amiti Uttarwar: the female developer of Bitcoin Core

She is an American, daughter of Indian immigrants, who became famous for her "Attacking Bitcoin Core" speech

Ethereum 2.0 launch faces challenges as staking procrastinates

Almost halfway into the year, the development team is stating that it can be expected by June 2020

“Upload” TV series on Amazon Prime Video includes Libra payments

In a scene, there's mention about payments in Bitcoin and other digital currencies, namely the Facebook stablecoin

Ripple donates 5 million against Coronavirus

The company behind the development of XRP has announced an aid plan

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