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Social network and blockchain: the state of the art

Traditional models such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, base their success on the customer's relationship with their servers, but for some years now attempts have been made to decentralize these mechanisms

The YouTube crypto ban was a mistake

The official admission was posted on Twitter, although the type of bug has not been specified

dApps: the 5 most popular blockchain games

RPGs, card games, MMOs: there's something for everyone...

7 ways to spend cryptocurrencies

Real use cases of these new assets are increasing as time goes by

EOS crypto: what it is, how it works and what are the main features

The blockchain has three key features: scalability, flexibility and usability

iZbreaker: social media based on Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Many blockchains are opting for a content sharing platform

Everipedia, Larry Sanger: “The goal is to organise all the encyclopedic info”

In Malta The Cryptonomist interviewed both the founder and CEO of the decentralised platform

4 types of coins loved by institutional investors

The Wish List of a crypto enthusiast

Tezos seeks to hire Daniel Larimer of EOS

In a conversation with Emin Gün Sirer, Brendan Blumer, CEO of, revealed that the company is actively trying to attract the CTO

Bitmain news, redundancies incoming

Bitmain: according to the latest news there is a reduction in staff coming soon

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