
japan - search results

China vs Japan: two different ways to become cashless countries

The two governments are introducing measures to reduce the use of cash

Japan: SBI Holding plans to adopt XRP in Southeast Asia

SBI Remit will use XRP for On Demand Liquidity

Japan: Brave browser app in the top 10

It is one of the most downloaded extensions on the Japanese market

The Japanese Amazon Rakuten launches its own exchange

Another company enters the cryptocurrency market thanks to the development of an Android application

Japan a cryptocurrency payments network as an alternative to SWIFT

The aim would be to improve the analytical skills of law enforcement agencies in combating money laundering practices

Japan: 110 crypto exchanges want a license

This was revealed by the Financial Services Agency (FSA)

Bioplastic in the retail sector: Seven-Eleven Japan chooses the biobased one

The major distribution brands as a guide to the use of bioplastics The retail world is increasingly preparing for the use of sustainable plastics: from...

How to pay with Cardano in Japan

A Japanese restaurant has introduced a new crypto payment system

FSA: new crypto exchanges approved in Japan

The main financial regulator has granted licences to 2 other cryptocurrency trading platforms

Japan: the FSA monitors cold wallets

The financial authorities of Tokyo have decided to strictly control the way in which the cryptocurrencies are stored by the exchanges

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