
japan - search results

Electrify Singapore, the blockchain enters the electric retail sector

Startup Singapore Electrify will focus on Japan and Oceania from 2019. The contracts will be transformed into lines of code and loaded as smart contracts on the Bitcoin network.

Blockchain banking, an epic challenge

While cryptocurrencies arouse reluctance among lenders, there is more openness to the block network. Short journey among the pioneers of innovation and those who would like to stop in the past

Europe officially recognizes virtual currencies

All EU member states will have to implement a Directive defining cryptocurrencies from a legal point of view by January 2020

Binance profits, dramatic results in the first half of 2018

CEO Changpeng Zhao announces dramatic results in the first half of 2018 with profits of three hundred million dollars and about ten million active users

Sentinel Protocol declares war to hackers

From the Uppsala Foundation of Singapore a concrete response against web criminals

The end of the Tokyo Whale

The Tokyo court approves the interruption of bankruptcy. This way, the market will no longer be manipulated by big crypto sales.

Bithumb hack, 30 million dollars stolen

About 30 million dollars were stolen at the largest Korean exchange. Deposits suspended, but "everything will be returned".

Crypto Daily Trading: Bulls charging again

The week starts with the right pace. Among the top 30 coins, green prevails, Bitcoin Cash doing well, Ripple awaken, red sign for Iota

Bitcoin art in Kiev: a statue for Satoshi

Bitcoin art: In Ukraine's city center, citizens want to place a monument for the creator of bitcoin

Blockchain Akamai, the fastest in the world

By 2020, the country will have its new network of fast payments based on blockchain technology. Akamai Technologies and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group announced this. Traditional and new generation payment processes will travel at the speed of 10 million transactions per second.

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