
Poloniex - search results

2018 is the record year for VC crypto investments

According to an Outline Ventures report, Venture Capitals invested $1.8 billion in the blockchain sector this year alone

Hacken reveals CER, Crypto Exchange Rates

Hacken launches first partial reliability index, let's see how it works

The Tether Case – the Bitfinex audit

Everything you need to know about the stable coin of the most important exchange in the world

The short life of top exchanges

From 2016 to today the ranking appears turned around. Only Houbi and Kraken were in the top 10. And on average 10.6 billion dollars a day are traded on the market

Bitmain invests 110 million in Circle

The two giants sign a millionaire deal. The goal? To create a new stable coin pegged to the dollar

Bear out of the den, cryptos suffer

Weak especially altcoins, bitcoin holds its market cap. Meanwhile, Eos collapses and Bitcoin Cash continues to benefit from the fork

Circle is creating a dollar-based cryptocurrency

Goldman Sachs' digital payments company will release a blockchain-based "digital copy" of the US dollar, the USD Coin

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