
TETHER - search results

Stasis announces the auditing firm of the stable coin EURS

The currency anchored to the euro chooses Malta for the certification of its assets

Token classification: the differences between crypto, stable coin, security, utility and equity

Today's crypto ecosystem is much more defined, less confusing and less carefree compared to the coin and token boom at the time of the first ICOs in 2017

Coinbase launches OTC trading desk for institutional clients

The exchange announces the creation of an over-the-counter trading platform

Binance introduces USDS: the new stable coin market

From USDT to USDⓈ, the exchange introduces a new trading platform

Crypto volatility is back: ideal time for stable coins

Perhaps due to the Bitcoin Cash fork, the price fluctuation of cryptocurrencies increases once again

Binance lists USD Coin (USDC)

The new Circle and Coinbase stable coin has been added next to the Tether dollar, but with fewer trading pairs

Stable coins: the traditional finance in the crypto world

2018 is the year of stability, with 57 projects active on the market

Crypto volumes falling, reaching values of 2016

This penultimate week of October has seen better days.

The Bitcoin spread tightens

The price of BTC on Bitfinex keeps going down, while on the other platforms there are small fluctuations in the 6500 dollars area

Bitfinex, a new system for deposits and withdrawals of fiat currencies

The exchange implements a distributed banking solution and makes it more cumbersome to deposit and withdraw fiat currencies

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