
Bitcoin ABC - search results

Anonymous, fast and secure transactions with Lightning Network

To have anonymity, security, decentralization, immediate confirmations, scalability and low costs, we just have to wait for LN to keep its promises

The Lightning Network payments on Woocommerce takes off

The first Wordpress plugin to enable fast and cheap bitcoin payments is available

Vitalik Buterin : How to scale the Ethereum blockchain?

The founder of Ethereum describes possible ways to solve the biggest problem of all the blockchains. And he talks about sharding, Plasma and Casper

BIS cryptocurrency report is highly critical

The annual report of the International Bank for Settlements is critical towards cryptocurrencies. However, the assessments are questionable and, above all, technically incorrect.

Lightning network transactions, 5 cents for 42 payments

A Reddit user said he was able to open an LN channel and use it to make 42 payments, spending less than 5 cents of a dollar.

Privacy tokens, a short guide

Some tools allow particularly anonymous transactions: here is a short list

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