
healthcare - search results

Digital identity: The three basic approaches, their benefits and drawbacks

The advent of D.I. is inevitable in all kinds of spheres. Here’s why and what it entails

Sharing medical data with blockchain technology

Grapevine World has as its objective the tracking of medical data. The platform was developed together with the University of Southampton and Tiani Spirit

Lenovo and join Hyperledger blockchain

11 new companies join the blockchain project linked to the Linux Foundation, including the supercomputer giant and one of the big names in online commerce in China

The Omnitude ICO, becomes a member of Hyperledger

Today the UK company joined the blockchain project of the Linux Foundation

A copyright ICO against the SIAE monopoly

With the alliance between Rehegoo Music Group and Consulcesi, blockchain becomes a weapon for the copyright of musicians

ZhongAn Insurance, policies on the blockchain

ZhongAn Insurance, the country's largest online company, will offer 100 hospitals a service to automate customer refunds using blockchain technology., the blockchain in service of the patients

Medicalchain announces the birth of a telemedicine platform for video calling and sharing medical records with your doctor, as well as payments with MedTokens (MTN) Medicalchain is an organization that deals with health care, providing solutions and services that use blockchain technology.

Enigma’s “Secret Contracts” at Consensus 2018

CEO Guy Zyskind presented the new smart contract based on strict control of privacy. The launch of the DApp support platform by 15 June

A blockchain for genetic codes

DNA is the code of life: thanks to the Nebula Genomics platform, anyone who wants to know it will now be able to buy and even resell information about the genome in exchange for digital coins.

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