
zcash - search results

Tezos (XTZ) adds privacy with zk-SNARKS

The blockchain can now integrate different protocols and has decided to do so to improve its anonymity

Suterusu: “We can help Libra solve its privacy problems”

If he was given the chance, AD Zhengpeng Hou would like to help. Interview with the founder of the blockchain company, whose solutions aim to ensure the protection of digital consumer data

Bitcoin: BTC’s swings continue

Today is the third consecutive day of upward movement, something that hasn't happened since the first week of September

7 ways to spend cryptocurrencies

Real use cases of these new assets are increasing as time goes by

Projects that will encourage the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies

Satoshi Nakamoto's dream was to launch a universal currency free from the constraints of centralised governments

Mining Ravencoin: hashrate increases thanks to the new X16R ASICs

In just a few days Ravencoin's hashrate practically doubled, proving the presence of the new ASICs mining the cryptocurrency

Ripple (XRP): the list of the best wallets on the market

From open-source to paid software, here is a selection of the most common solutions to store the cryptocurrency

Less cash and more cryptocurrencies

The fight against cash that many states are undertaking could benefit the spread of cryptocurrencies

Gemini Custody: a custody service for 18 crypto and ERC20 tokens

Through Gemini Custody, the users of the exchange will be able to trade with assets stored offline

The best Ethereum wallets for storing ETH

A list of the most secure and easy-to-use tools

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