
Crypto - search results

Bitsong, earn while listening to music

Interview with Alfonso Santitoro, Managing Director of the music streaming platform Made in Italy. "Soon we will launch our ICO - he explains - we already have 200 thousand users registered".

Peter Nagle dissapointed by the Bank of Ireland

According to "The Irish Times", the companies selling Bitcoin in Eire have seen unjustly denied banking services

The Hiltons and Propy Blockchain

Paris’ father will hold an auction for the sale of a Roman villa of the sixteenth century, which can be purchased in cryptocurrencies, and will take place on a platform based on blockchain

The end of the Tokyo Whale

The Tokyo court approves the interruption of bankruptcy. This way, the market will no longer be manipulated by big crypto sales.

Don’t miss these EOS airdrops

DApps that are going to be launched on the blockchain are EOS's greatest resource, they're also wealth for those who hold the tokens

Interview with Clarity’s CEO Aynsley Damery

We heard from the founder and COO Aynsley Damery about the features of the project

Pier platform, a blockchain-based tool

In Brazil, an institutional platform is being developed for the exchange of information between the various financial market supervisors.

BitFlyer Japan, forced to close to new users

The Japanese Financial Agency Service has imposed a licence requirement to continue trading operations. The case of bitFlyer Japan, forced to close to new users

A “Blockchain Taskforce” in Switzerland

This is the proposal of Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann. To make the Swiss country a more crypto-friendly nation.

VW will use IOTA Tangle technology for security

The car manufacturer will take advantage of the decentralized Tangle technology in future smart cars to ensure maximum efficiency in delivering software updates

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