
open finance - search results

China, three arrests for mega crypto-theft

The authors of the biggest hacking in Chinese history have been arrested, as many as 87 million dollars stolen from citizens and businesses in the city of Xian

A Blockchain Manifesto: “a new public good”

Franco Bentivogli (Fim Cisl) and Massimo Chiriatti proposed it, saying: "The technology allows a true decentralization of value among all the subjects participating in the network".

Mining hashrate keeps increasing, but Nvidia doesn’t benefit

Mining contrasting signals: power reaches new records, but some hardware manufacturers report a strong decrease in sales

Huobi exchange recruits Jihan Wu, Don Tapscott and Randi Zuckerberg

The Asian exchange publishes the names of experts and partnerships of the new Advisory Committee. Some news also from Binance and Bitfinex

Prove your love to Pigzbe, a new Eidoo ICO

First an introduction. Pigzbe is a digital piggy-wallet for children age 6 and up powered by Wollo, a family-friendly cryptocurrency. The team behind Pigzbe is...

Five Thailand exchanges get the green light

The local SEC lists which trading platforms will be able to operate legally in the country, plus two simple retailers

Ten cryptocurrency videos not to be missed

A list of educational videos dedicated to digital currencies available online for free. To help newcomers but also for those who are already experienced in the field

The best crypto books for the summer

The recommended books to learn more about digital currencies, blockchain technology and the economy in general

ICO friendly Thailand, 50 projects in a month

New crypto laws make it easier to apply for an operating license

Tencent, Softbank and China Gold invested in the Bitmain IPO

The three giants are among the institutional investors in the pre-IPO of the world leader in bitcoin mining. One billion dollars has been already raised. The launch of the IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

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