
smartphone - search results

Brisbane Queensland, Australian capital of the crypto world

Supported by TravelbyBit, the city relies on digital currencies and blockchains to attract tourists and create jobs

Jorge Farias: “To date, no trace of the Petro”

The Venezuelan entrepreneur, founder of Cryptobuyer, confirms that the cryptocurrency does not exist. Meanwhile, inflation reaches 200% per month

Russian blockchain services, from payments to pensions

Mastercard will test a tokenized e-payment service with 5,000 customers, while the social security institution wants to reduce paperwork and bureaucracy thanks to distributed ledger technology.

Venezuela, Dash payments might be the solution

In recent days the cryptocurrency is performing particularly well in view of the situation in South America

Celebrities and crypto, a good match

From top scorer Messi and the king of gloves Tyson to the actress Paltrow and Sir Richard Branson, here are some VIPs that embrace the blockchain revolution

NEM, voting using blockchain in Ukraine

An experiment is underway in the Slavic country that takes advantage of blockchain technology to verify votes remotely.

Larimer says stop to EOS private keys

Some novelties proposed by the founder Daniel Larimer to improve the usability of the crypto

Digital identity: The three basic approaches, their benefits and drawbacks

The advent of D.I. is inevitable in all kinds of spheres. Here’s why and what it entails

Charlie Lee advises HTC and their blockchain phone

Litecoin's creator will be the advisor of the project for the new smartphone called Exodus

Blockchain internet will end the monopolies era

Only distributed technologies can lead us to a real decentralization of ISP services.

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