
Lighting Network - search results

Bitcoin Tipping app on Twitter and Reddit

There are apps that, when connected with social networks, allow rewarding authors with micropayments

The most anticipated crypto projects of 2019

What are the projects for the next year on which the greatest attention and interest are currently concentrated?

Bitcoin ICOs are coming soon

Thanks to second layer solutions and sidechains it will soon be possible to create and issue tokens on the BTC blockchain, in direct competition with Ethereum

Blockchain 3.0 coming soon

After the first version (that of Bitcoin) and the second (that of Ethereum), we now have the third version of blockchain, based on sidechains, cross chains, and higher layers

Buy coffee at Starbucks with the Bakkt app

Among the various features, bitcoin payments immediately converted into fiat currency

Charlie Lee advises HTC and their blockchain phone

Litecoin's creator will be the advisor of the project for the new smartphone called Exodus

Crypto news and prices: Cardano (ADA), Bonk (BONK) and Pepe (PEPE)

Latest updates on ADA, BONK, and PEPE coins.

Increasing interest from investors in Bitcoin mining: the AI opportunity of Iris Energy

Iris Energy: emerging leader in high-performance computing and AI

The launch of the ZK crypto by ZKsync was accompanied by a high number of scams and malicious dapps

During the debut of the crypto ZK, many cases of scam were also reported.

The report of the Bitget exchange of May 2024: record capital inflows, new investments, and exponential growth

Appointment of the new CEO and more: a strategic leadership change.

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