
Lighting Network - search results

The most anticipated crypto projects of 2019

What are the projects for the next year on which the greatest attention and interest are currently concentrated?

Bitcoin ICOs are coming soon

Thanks to second layer solutions and sidechains it will soon be possible to create and issue tokens on the BTC blockchain, in direct competition with Ethereum

Blockchain 3.0 coming soon

After the first version (that of Bitcoin) and the second (that of Ethereum), we now have the third version of blockchain, based on sidechains, cross chains, and higher layers

Buy coffee at Starbucks with the Bakkt app

Among the various features, bitcoin payments immediately converted into fiat currency

Charlie Lee advises HTC and their blockchain phone

Litecoin's creator will be the advisor of the project for the new smartphone called Exodus

Fidelity leads the outflow of Bitcoin ETFs: precarious situation for the crypto

Bitcoin ETFs recorded significant outflows yesterday, with Fidelity leading the line of sellers for $106 million.

ICBC: the largest bank in the world bets on the crypto Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum: the technical power of the digital future.

The Best Crypto for the Future: GameStop (GSTOP) and Gorilla Prices Surge But BlockDAG Wows the Market with Showstopper Keynote

Compare GameStop (GSTOP) Price, Gorilla Price, and BlockDAG. Discover why BlockDAG is the best crypto for the future with its $45.7M presale and innovative tech.

Prices and news of the crypto Taiko (TAIKO), Pepe (PEPE), (FET)

Continuing our crypto analysis column, today we will focus on three important projects in the ecosystem: TAIKO, PEPE, and

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