
Lighting Network - search results

Binance launches new crypto tax tool in Italy

The crypto-exchange supports users in creating a report on the platform for tax purposes

The ECB sees Bitcoin as an expensive system. The explanation of the report

A 59-page report on the search for the "holy grail of cross-border payments" criticizes BTC but is positive about stablecoins

Square Crypto changes name to Spiral BTC

Anche la società madre cambia nome in Block

Bitcoin: Twitter could enable tips in BTC

The feature is currently in beta testing and is based on the Lightning Network

Interview with Chainblock: “We are the first to have DAI on an ATM”

The Cryptonomist had a chat with Federico Pecoraro, CEO of the Italian company

How was Bitcoin Cash created?

A summary on when and how the main Bitcoin fork was born

Zucco talks about digital gold and silver: Bitcoin vs Litecoin

The founder of BlockchainLab continues to answer questions from users

The top 10 countries with the most Bitcoin nodes

Surprisingly, there are more of them in Europe than in North America, despite the fact that the US dominates this ranking, followed by Germany and France

Bitcoin Tipping app on Twitter and Reddit

There are apps that, when connected with social networks, allow rewarding authors with micropayments

The most anticipated crypto projects of 2019

What are the projects for the next year on which the greatest attention and interest are currently concentrated?

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