
DeFi - search results

Paxos Standard, everything you need to know about the stablecoin

PAX and other similar coins could take the crypto market to the next level

First atomic swap between bitcoin and an ERC20 token

For the first time, a trustless trade was made with a non-native asset managed by a smart contract on the Ethereum network, thanks to Lightning Network

Blockchain ruled out from the Simplifications Decree of the Italian Government

The government omits from the decree the rule that would have given legal value to the blockchain, but perhaps it will be recovered in the conversion period

Italian Simplification Decree 2019: the decision on blockchain causes debate

Two experts in digital law point out a couple of issues regarding the Italian Government's legislation

Stable coins: the fuel of the crypto market

Considerable figures are deposited on stable virtual currencies. Will they lead to a future recovery of the cryptocurrency market?

Famous programming errors in the crypto world

Some cases where a distraction has caused investors to lose millions

SEBA, the AG crypto bank announces its board members

The Swiss institution is trying to obtain a regular license from the FINMA to operate in the sector and today revealed the composition of its Board of Directors

Roger Ver is still optimistic about the future of cryptocurrencies

The creator of maintains a rosy view despite the collapse of the market

What is Web 3.0 and how does it relate to the blockchain

It is often acclaimed as the new paradigm in the interaction and infrastructure underlying the network

Here are the top 5 Sidechain projects

Sidechains are actual infrastructures parallel to the blockchain to which they refer to, pursuing the monetary aspect of it

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