
kyc - search results

Hacken reveals CER, Crypto Exchange Rates

Hacken launches first partial reliability index, let's see how it works

BitFlyer Japan, forced to close to new users

The Japanese Financial Agency Service has imposed a licence requirement to continue trading operations. The case of bitFlyer Japan, forced to close to new users

Beware of the scam fork of Tron Genesis

Violating the Reddit account of the Tronix moderator, a group of scammers asked unsuspecting users to create a new wallet and communicate the private keys

The Tether Case – the Bitfinex audit

Everything you need to know about the stable coin of the most important exchange in the world

TokenJar adds 400 tokens in six weeks

The new exchange has listed coins that are less known, filling a niche in the cryptocurrency market

Tezos Foundation forks before launching

For the first time, an "already forked" blockchain will be born", due to internal disagreements in the developers' community, unfulfilled promises, and novelties not at all appreciated by ICO participants.

Hedera Hashgraph revolutionizes blockchain technology

Vice President Jordan Fried says: "Today networks are inefficient, slow, and not scalable. Our algorithm solves these problems".

Parity ICO, another EU privacy victim

The service of the wallet dedicated to the subscription of token sales must shut down because it does not conform with the GDPR. Vitalik Buterin is also annoyed.

South Korea opens up more towards cryptos

The definition of cryptos could soon change from "non-financial goods" to "monetary property", in view of the decisions that could arise from the next G20.

Eidoo now has the VQF license

We have just obtained the Financial Services Standards Association (VQF) license as we respect the Anti-money Laundering regulation thanks to our KYC process. This represents...

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