
Trust Wallet - search results

George Thomson, “Crypto has doubled our Revolut users”

Interview with George Thomson, head of the Italian division of the prepaid debit card, who last year has decided to target the cryptocurrency market

Thomas Bertani, 5 tips for developing DApps

Decentralised applications are becoming increasingly popular. How to build a successful one? We asked the Director of Eidoo

NEM guide: all you need to know

New Economy Movement is a p2p cryptocurrency with smart contract (and Dapp) support launches a crypto Visa card

The company is ready to launch their service in Singapore and Hong Kong, available in five cryptocurrencies: bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, MCO and Binance Coin.

Messages will travel on the Line blockchain

The Japanese messaging app has released its own mainnet and cryptocurrency

DataTrek Research: cryptocurrencies are destined to climb back up

"Capitalisation, ICO flows and the number of wallets opened in recent months are paving the way for a recovery," explains analyst Nicholas Colas

Huobi exchange recruits Jihan Wu, Don Tapscott and Randi Zuckerberg

The Asian exchange publishes the names of experts and partnerships of the new Advisory Committee. Some news also from Binance and Bitfinex

Larimer says stop to EOS private keys

Some novelties proposed by the founder Daniel Larimer to improve the usability of the crypto

Anonymous, fast and secure transactions with Lightning Network

To have anonymity, security, decentralization, immediate confirmations, scalability and low costs, we just have to wait for LN to keep its promises

Emercoin Blockchain against fake University degrees

Every year, at least 200,000 fake academic titles are produced around the world. Emercoin provides a solution to safely certify degrees

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