
exchange - search results

Bitcoin Gold under attack

Some hackers are duplicating crypto tokens, trying to sell them on some exchanges. The development team recommends accepting transactions only after 25 confirmations.

Bitmain invests 110 million in Circle

The two giants sign a millionaire deal. The goal? To create a new stable coin pegged to the dollar

Kraken donates 1 million dollars to Coin Center

The US exchange offers a lot of money to the non-profit organization for its initiatives. And there are those who see the gesture as a possible turn towards regulators

Dancing to the rhythm of cryptos in Las Vegas

Perry Farrell, frontman of Jane's Addiction, launches the project Kind Heaven, a journey into augmented reality with music, food and exoticism. The idea will be financed by the Yala token

Iran and Russia could use cryptocurrencies

To circumvent the limitations imposed by the US and the SWIFT system, Iran and Russia are considering using cryptocurrencies for their international trades.

ICO Race reaches 89 participants

The number of tokens sales that intend to participate in the finals of the Grand Prix of ICOs goes up. Appointment at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano on 6/7 June. Last days for discounted tickets for the audience

BitOasis interrupts deposits and withdrawals

BitOasis, situated in Dubai, has been forced to interrupt deposits and withdrawals in Dirham, thanks to the hostility of credit institutions.

Thomson Reuters enters the cryptocurrency world

The Canadian information giant announces a new data feed service on digital real-time coins. The data will be collected by exchanges such as bitFlyer and BITPoint

From IBM an ecological token on the Stellar blockchain

As part of a project to exchange carbon credits, the IT giant signs an agreement with Veridium Labs, a fintech startup.

Bear out of the den, cryptos suffer

Weak especially altcoins, bitcoin holds its market cap. Meanwhile, Eos collapses and Bitcoin Cash continues to benefit from the fork

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