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Bitfinex, “We are in discussions to relocate to Switzerland”

Exclusive interview with CEO JL van der Velde about the future of Tether, Nectar token, and his idea of crypto-regulation

Fomo3D, the prize keeps growing

.The winner is the one who stays in the race last, facing psychological pressures and greed from others. Each ticket costs 2 dollars

Crypto robbery using SIM cards

The old method for stealing SIM cards reinvented by Joel Oritz to steal bitcoin

Crypto expert Andrew Peel hired by Morgan Stanley

Andrew Peel, formerly Credit Suisse, is the new head of the sector. He knows his stuff when it comes to cryptocurrencies

Jimmy Wales: “No Wikipedia token or ICO”

The founder of the online encyclopedia denies any rumour about a future token sale: "We are not interested".

The Crypto Influencer Tone Vays attacks tokenpay

The well-known crypto influencer attacks the token and Litecoin and receives a straight response

Coinbase CTO: 60x increase in crypto adoption

Balaji S. Srinivasan compared cryptocurrency usage with the smartphone one, stating that it is just getting started and we should still expect a massive growth

Ronaldinho launches RSC Project and his crypto

RSC Project is a project of World Soccer Coin to which the ex-footballer lends his face. The ICO is supposed to be July 15th, but to date there is still no whitepaper

Philippines Crypto: 25 exchanges authorized

The authority in charge of the Cagayan Special Economic Zone opens to the crypto: "It will be possible for our citizens to trade, but it won’t be possible to participate in ICOs".

For Austria cryptocurrencies are security

The Vienna financial control body highlights the need for supervision of ICOs and virtual currencies

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