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John McAfee at war with HitBTC exchange

A number of tweets, with severe words, to push his followers to boycott the exchange, accused of manipulations and high commissions. But so far no official answer

Virtual currency market: Cryptos in decline but ICOs rising

In May 2018, 4.99 billion US dollars were raised, more than the top of March at 3.37 billion. The geography of tokens sales also changes, it's a race at the British Virgin Islands

Daniel Larimer EOS co-founder disappointed

A BP accidentally restores a frozen account and takes advantage of a hacker that makes many cryptos disappear. Co-founder Daniel Larimer says he's disappointed and proposes to clear the Constitution

W12 creates a W-token for the security of ICOs

Interview with the CEO of the platform that wants to ensure the proper implementation of token sales

Crypto exchange market: Bitcoin and Ethereum queens of trade

The attempt to react to the rise proves to be a technical rebound generated by important coverings of downward short positions.

Why Cryptocurrency Matters

On my last piece I defended the idea that the market will experience a bubble due to the fact people over-hype projects and don’t truly understand the relationship between money and technology.

Alongside EOS, Ethereum governance can also freeze accounts

The great indignation that has affected Larimer's creature on the subject of governance does not take into account the fact that its main competitor can do the same

Don’t miss these EOS airdrops

DApps that are going to be launched on the blockchain are EOS's greatest resource, they're also wealth for those who hold the tokens

Here’s Neufund, the “Nasdaq of cryptos”

For the first time, the capital of a dozen international startups will be transformed into equity tokens, by means of completely legal fundraising on the blockchain. Here are the names of the first six

The Tether Case – the Bitfinex audit

Everything you need to know about the stable coin of the most important exchange in the world

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