
Tron - search results

Schwartz: “XRP Ledger is more decentralized than Bitcoin and ETH”

The CTO of Ripple Labs takes it out on those who claim that his cryptocurrency is under strict control. And tries to compare the three blockchains

The Petro currency is there but it can’t be seen. It looks like a big scam

Marco Michelino, NEM blockchain expert says: "All tokens are still in one account. And they seem designed to impede their free circulation"

Everything you need to know about Bitcoin White Paper. Part 3

The third part of the Bitcoin guide written by the co-founder of the Bcademy in Pordenone

The right moves to launch an ICO

Initial coin offerings are the order of the day but you need to have a clear idea on the type of token, how to organise a team, legal aspects, marketing and more

Crypto movement: a truce between bears and bulls

The week closes smoothly and with slight oscillations, after the big movements of mid-August. Market cap at 210 bn, Bitcoin at 53% dominance

FSA: Japanese crypto friendly regulations

According to the new FSA Commissioner, Toshihide Endo, excessive legislation risks slowing down growth in the sector

Singapore, Ubin project to use blockchain in finance

The Central Bank and the local stock exchange (SGX) are developing a decentralised platform for interbank settlements. Nasdaq, Deloitte and Anquan are involved as well

New Qash blockchain platform coming soon

It will arrive by mid-September, and in 2019 will be followed by a new distributed registry technology and the separation from the token.

Buterin: Bitcoin SV fork is a scam

The creator of Ethereum attacks Craig Wright, also called Faketoshi. His Bitcoin SV, says Vitalik, is comparable to BitConnect

Facebook, alternative blockchain solutions to censorship

The giant social loses users and often censors without any logic, but blockchain-based solutions are here, such as Sylo or Scuttlebutt, for a truly decentralized future

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