
ETH - search results

How and where to use Binance Coin also outside Binance

It is not known, but the token of the famous exchange can be used as a means of payment even outside the exchange itself

What will happen when bitcoin mining ends? Eschatological reflections

When the 21 million are mined, what will happen to the crypto and mining? Here are some hypotheses

Bitcoin ICOs are coming soon

Thanks to second layer solutions and sidechains it will soon be possible to create and issue tokens on the BTC blockchain, in direct competition with Ethereum

Zara, bitcoin accepted here thanks to Eurocoinpay

The big clothing brand begins to accept BTC, courtesy of a Spanish startup

EOS community divided by language and technology barriers

The EOS community suffers from a division between the Chinese block and the rest of the world, but countermeasures are already being taken

0x and Maker walk head-on on the red carpet

Capitalisation remains above 200 billion dollars, but most of the cryptocurrencies remain in negative territory

IBM Food Trust and Carrefour: real evolution or marketing move?

Lights and shadows on the Blockchain of the supermarket giant, who began to use the technology for the tracking of products

Cryptocurrency losses: harsh drops burn last week’s rises

In the middle of the night, between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m. (UTC+2), the bears suddenly appear sounding the alarms on the trading platforms, bringing cryptocurrencies at a loss.

Argo launches Bitcoin on its mining platform

Starting from November, the UK miners will add BTC to their services

Google, “Cryptocurrency Isn’t Real Money, But Money Isn’t Real Either”

After recently reversing the cryptocurrency advertisement ban, the company has given another reference to the world of crypto in a recent video

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