
Fed - search results

A new exchange Rare Bits , a competitor to ebay

A new exchange platform with online sales takes off. It is based on the Ethereum blockchain and aims to eliminate the barriers between crypto and consumers.

Peter Nagle dissapointed by the Bank of Ireland

According to "The Irish Times", the companies selling Bitcoin in Eire have seen unjustly denied banking services

A “Blockchain Taskforce” in Switzerland

This is the proposal of Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann. To make the Swiss country a more crypto-friendly nation.

For Jim Cramer blockchain is a threat to banks

Former hedge manager claims crypto and blockchain technology will make credit institutions similar to dinosaurs going extinct

“Tether USD pair is backed”, according to FSS lawyers.

A few hours ago the famous stable coin pegged to the dollar and issued by Bitfinex, published a document signed by a famous American law firm that confirms the deposits

For Mougayar blockchain is just at the beginning

The guru of blockchain technology imagines an epochal change, superior to that introduced by the web. The future, he says, "is the decentralization of innovation itself".

BIS cryptocurrency report is highly critical

The annual report of the International Bank for Settlements is critical towards cryptocurrencies. However, the assessments are questionable and, above all, technically incorrect.

For the SEC Ethereum is not a security

The American institution has stated that ETH and BTC are payment currencies

The Tether Case – the Bitfinex audit

Everything you need to know about the stable coin of the most important exchange in the world

Swiss Crypto Valley tests voting on the blockchain

Residents of Zug will use the distributed ledger for voting to verify the possibility of the method in real life

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