
proof of work - search results

The best ASICs to mine bitcoin in 2019

Antminer, Innosilicon and Whatsminer: Which is the best ASIC to mine bitcoin in the summer of 2019?

Ethereum Starks debuts on the testnet: 550 Tx/s in the first tests

Ethereum Starks debuts on the testnet: 550 Tx/s in the first tests

Everipedia, Larry Sanger: “The goal is to organise all the encyclopedic info”

In Malta The Cryptonomist interviewed both the founder and CEO of the decentralised platform

Breaking Bitcoin: a recap of the Amsterdam event

One of the unmissable BTC conferences has just come to an end

Grin prepares for first hard fork scheduled for July

The PoW algorithm will be modified and some new wallet-related features will be introduced

Bitcoin Scaling solution: a new idea from the creator of LN

Tadge Dryja has proposed a new solution to make it easier to run a BTC node

Binance moves $1.26 billion in Bitcoin paying only $124 in fees

Binance recently moved $1.26 billion in bitcoin (BTC) paying only $124.60 in transaction fees. The news is yet another proof of the reduction of taxes in transactions that can introduce distributed networks.

Walmart joins MediLedger: a pharmaceutical consortium on blockchain

Walmart, the U.S. giant retailer, has joined MediLedger, a consortium that has developed a blockchain to track the origin of pharmaceutical products.

Blockchain Live Returns to London Olympia in September

The event aims to take cryptocurrencies mainstream

Blockchain role for certifications and use cases

Technology at the service of guaranteeing transparency Over time, the word Blockchain has become increasingly synonymous with guaranteeing transparency in the world of product or...

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