
proof of work - search results

Eidoo lists Moneyfold, a new stablecoin pegged to EUR

We are thrilled to announce Eidoo is listing a new stablecoin called Moneyfold (EURM) pegged to EUR. In 2018, Moneyfold graduated from a regulatory sandbox...

What are blockchain confirmations and why they are important

A transaction is not valid if it does not reach a certain number of confirmations

MAST: a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal for privacy and scripts

The functioning of the MAST protocol, a BIP for privacy and scripts

Blockchain Live 2019 in London with Don Tapscott

The event will be returning to London Olympia on 25th September

Prysmatic: the third Ethereum 2.0 testnet is here

It will be possible to test the functioning of the Casper Proof of Stake distributed consensus algorithm

Malta AI & Blockchain Summit launching exclusive pool party

The second edition of the Malta AI & Blockchain Summit (AIBC) is coming.

HTC Exodus: second generation on the way

HTC Exodus announced last week in Taipei the release of the second generation of its blockchain phone that will be arriving during the second...

Bitfinex now supports the Cosmos ATOM token

The trading of the cryptocurrency started yesterday, featuring zero commissions for the first 15 days

Effect.AI migrates to the EOS blockchain

On April 30th the transition from NEO will be completed

A brief recap on the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto

Some have suggested a possible hack of the gmx email account linked to the creator of Bitcoin

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