
proof of work - search results

Facebook Coin and Crypto: Humans don’t scale

The theoretical and practical problems of the social network's cryptocurrency

#SpeedNeedsDirection: Eidoo official sponsor of Mini Challenge 2019

We are excited to announce that Eidoo is now one of the Official Sponsors of MINI Challenge 2019, a world-famous championship of MINI cars. This...

The New York Times explores blockchain based publishing

An announcement was posted, later withdrawn, in which the famous American newspaper was looking for a professional figure to study how to use the blockchain for publishing

The top five crypto games on the blockchain

They may not be like Fortnite, but they allow decentralising gaming and many such projects are coming up


Founders and other executives will join us this April 8 at the Ritz Carlton in Los Angeles for the Security Token Summit

Tezos seeks to hire Daniel Larimer of EOS

In a conversation with Emin Gün Sirer, Brendan Blumer, CEO of, revealed that the company is actively trying to attract the CTO

IOST, the launch of the mainnet scheduled for February 25th

The partners, as well as the blockchain nodes, have now reached one billion votes

NEM community approved financing proposal

With 90.06% of votes in favour, 9.94% against, and a POI of 4.56%.

Paris Blockchain Week Summit: the first international conference held in France

The event is dedicated to the professionals of blockchain and crypto-assets

HMRC blockchain project suspended due to Brexit

The UK government department suspends the DLT implementation test until the international situation is clearer

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