
Estcoin - search results

How the blockchain will help Smart Cities

Together with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things), the DLTs are revolutionizing entire cities

BIS: crypto regulation news influence the market

A recent report of the Bank of International Settlements proved regulators influence prices

De Magistris: “a Naples currency alongside the euro”

The Mayor of the city announces the issue of a new currency that will be used with the current European one

The idea of a state cryptocurrency is becoming popular

More and more countries are developing or considering issuing their own blockchain-based currency

VC report from Oxford: virtual currencies vs fiat money

A paper by two scholars of the prestigious English University analyzes the conflicts and problems that digital currencies create for the traditional monetary system, also on a legal level

For Putin cryptos can’t be used as state currency

Russian President says that the supranational cryptocurrency can’t permit it to become an official coin.

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