
Revolut - search results

Largest Swiss Blockchain Summit comes back

On November 23-24th Basel will host a new event about crypto and DLT

European crypto breakthrough coming in September

The 28 Finance Ministers are finally considering a common regulation of the sector that includes ICOs.

DataTrek Research: cryptocurrencies are destined to climb back up

"Capitalisation, ICO flows and the number of wallets opened in recent months are paving the way for a recovery," explains analyst Nicholas Colas

ICON course at the Innovative Cultivating Youth Talents 2018

The company will participate in the South Korean Government's initiative with a six-month education program and 1,000 hours of training. Students with the best results will receive an employment contract

The right moves to launch an ICO

Initial coin offerings are the order of the day but you need to have a clear idea on the type of token, how to organise a team, legal aspects, marketing and more

From Indiegogo, the stable Aspen coin

Sale of real estate tokens kicks off thanks to the world's most famous crowdfunding platform

Football blockchain, a successful couple

UEFA's blockchain-based ticketing experiment is a success, it has been used on the match between Real Madrid and Atletico

Venezuela crypto country with the Sovereign Bolivar

At the start the experiment of the Sovereign Bolivar, a currency linked in turn to Petro, the cryptocurrency which has oil reserves below it. With inflation going up to one million percent

Blockchain Live, the unmissable event in London

The UK capital will host a conference with EOS, Nick Szabo, Alex Tapscott and more important speaker

John McAfee CEO of Luxcore

The project for which he has already been a consultant since April offered him the position of Managing Director. He accepted and tweeted about it

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