
open finance - search results

North Carolina interrupts electoral donations in crypto

Candidates are prohibited from being financed in digital currencies, following republican Emmanuel Wilder's request to do so for a midterm vote.

Crypto expert Andrew Peel hired by Morgan Stanley

Andrew Peel, formerly Credit Suisse, is the new head of the sector. He knows his stuff when it comes to cryptocurrencies

The first YouTube token channel is here

TechHoves creates videos dedicated mostly to technology. Their system allows selling tokens to raise funds and distribute part of the profits.

Jimmy Wales: “No Wikipedia token or ICO”

The founder of the online encyclopedia denies any rumour about a future token sale: "We are not interested".

Internal sources mention a Bitmain IPO

The mining giant exceeds one billion dollars in net income in Q1 2018 and is working on landing on the stock exchange. The estimated value is around 14 billion dollars

Ethereum third birthday has passed, Vitalik critizes ETFs

For Ethereum's third birthday, its creator invites everyone to focus on the concrete and daily uses of crypto, a fact more important than the birth of the stock indexes

Almonds on blockchain, speeding up the shipment process

17 tons of the fruit has been shipped from Australia to Germany, using a smart contract platform. This is how global trade changes

Quantocoin: Football team paid in cryptocurrencies

Gibraltar United players will receive virtual currencies as their only payment

BRICS bank focusing on blockchain technology

The major emerging nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have decided to engage in the development of DLT through their development bank NDB

Mastercard crypto, a bad match

Is it a concrete reality or just a revenge for that 2% drop in revenues? The CEO considers digital currencies unworthy

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