
DeFi - search results

Some doubts about the Italian legislation on smart contracts and blockchains

The definition of technologies based on distributed ledgers is raising some substantial uncertainties, but not everyone agrees

JP Morgan: Jamie Dimon, taxes and Bitcoin controversies

War of tax rates in the US

Antonopoulos: “Bitcoin is not anonymous”

The crypto expert tackles the issue of BTC's confidentiality, confirming the fears that many already had

Electroneum trading: the price of ETN is the best performing

To find the best positive sign you have to go down to the 60th position

Platin blockchain: a gamechanger software for EOS.IO and

EOS Global invests in the protocol that tracks location while maintaining user privacy

Bisq delists Grin due to a technical problem in the decentralised exchange

The platform decided yesterday to remove the cryptocurrency

Kraken Rebranding: the exchange becomes more user-friendly

The well-known American exchange wants to target also the consumer market

Charlie Lee and confidential transactions. Litecoin’s new focus

The creator of LTC sets new goals for this 2019

The history of Bitcoin forks: the uselessness of hard forks

From the very early days of BTC, there have been multiple attempts of at least partially replicating its success by copying its codebase with some slight modifications

Litecoin vs Bitcoin Cash: comparing the cryptocurrencies

Both are designed to solve Bitcoin's scalability problems

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