
Bitcoin Cash - search results

Bitcoin at $28,000: new records for price and market cap

For the first time in history, the psychological threshold of half a trillion dollars in market capitalization has been breached

Bitcoin: prices rise again

After two days of weakness, prices are rising again

Microstrategy buys more bitcoin at $22,000

The company now owns over 70,000 BTC, after investing over $1 billion

Bitcoin: BTC addresses increase

The chart also examines the number of assets held

The most popular Bitcoin ATMs in the world

Different companies and types of devices for selling and buying crypto

Bitcoin: historic records for price and volumes

A glorious week draws to a close for the cryptocurrency sector

Bitcoin has outperformed the stock market 8 times out of 10

Over the past decade BTC has broken all earnings records against any other asset class

Bitcoin sets new record above $23,000

In the meantime, Ethereum is soaring to almost $668

Grayscale reaches $13 billion in Bitcoin and other crypto

It may seem like a lot in the cryptocurrency industry, but it's actually little when compared to those of traditional funds

Bitcoin rising towards record highs

Disorienting most short-term traders, the weekend showed a clear recovery

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