
kyc - search results

Bitfinex, a new system for deposits and withdrawals of fiat currencies

The exchange implements a distributed banking solution and makes it more cumbersome to deposit and withdraw fiat currencies

Binance accepts fiat currency in Uganda

The first fiat-crypto trades on the local exchange with Ugandan pounds, bitcoin and ethereum have begun

How and where to use Binance Coin also outside Binance

It is not known, but the token of the famous exchange can be used as a means of payment even outside the exchange itself

Rating agency DBRS: “Blockchain in Banking: A Reality Check”

Canadian agency DBRS mentions the enormous potential of decentralized ledgers to improve efficiency in long and complex operations

Aidcoin, the first proven case of a transparent crypto donation

An operation of donation of funds to a charity in Kenya has been successfully concluded, completely tracked on a public blockchain.

How to buy cryptocurrencies with Paypal

The most popular online payment system does not always allow buying virtual currencies

US political campaigns financed by mining

The FEC is considering a very original proposal to allow supporters of election committees to make their own devices available for crypto extraction

90% of Bitcoin transactions are for legal use, according to the DEA

A few years ago BTC was more used in criminal activities but now the situation seems to have reversed

LBXPeg, the first stable coin backed by the pound sterling

After the cryptocurrencies anchored to the American dollar and gold, here is a new one pegged to the British currency

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference to be held in Minsk

On October 10th, the Belarus capital will see a new event with major crypto speakers

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