
MiCA - search results

PLA-based Bioplastic for Medical Products

The great interest of biomedical sector about the Polylactic Acid properties. The biodegradability, bio-based and non-polluting characteristics of bioplastics are also useful within the...

The best ASICs to mine bitcoin in 2019

Antminer, Innosilicon and Whatsminer: Which is the best ASIC to mine bitcoin in the summer of 2019?

PLA and PHA, PHB, PHV family: the sustainable bioplastics

EarthBi chooses biodegradable and bio-based to replace conventional plastic The revolutionary green trend for replacing traditional plastic with sustainable bioplastic with, therefore, zero environmental impact,...

Moving averages: a very important technical indicator

They are widely used both in statistics and in technical analysis

Top Emerging Crypto Trends of 2019: IEOs, ETFs, Short-Selling, and More

The market is a new, emerging market, that changes rapidly day by day

EarthBi: a Biodegradable and Compostable Bioplastic

Biodegradability vs Compostability: meanings and differences In the bioplastics sector, the words biodegradable and compostable are of fundamental importance and could be seen as synonyms....

Bitcoin Scaling solution: a new idea from the creator of LN

Tadge Dryja has proposed a new solution to make it easier to run a BTC node

Cosmetic No Plastic: The choice of biodegradable raw materials

Beauty care and the environment protection from microplastics Even the cosmetic industry is called into question when it comes to microplastics pollution, those plastic microparticles...

EarthBi and bioplastic market in 2019: the growth of the sustainability industry

A Global biobased plastic market size, trend and forecasts According to the report published by the Nova Institute entitled Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers...

Game of Thrones actor promotes VeganCoin

The VCN token fuels the crypto project that aims to trace and guarantee 100% vegan products

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