
MiCA - search results

Crypto ATM: the market will be worth hundreds of millions

According to the latest estimates, in five years' time, the figure will exceed 144 million dollars, with an average annual growth rate of 54.7%

Synthetic DNA to unlock cold wallets

The Carverr startup, based in Switzerland, proposes to store private keys and seeds in synthetic filaments. But there's the problem of hiding and protecting the vials

New York, hydroelectric energy for mining bitcoin

A 1-megawatt power plant will be reopened and dedicated to the production of electricity for extracting cryptocurrencies

Giacomo Zucco, ‘The DEA is imprecise on Bitcoin traceability’

In a stream, the expert debunks the thesis of the Drug Enforcement Administration on the subject of tracking and privacy when using the cryptocurrency

Digipulse, “How we want to de-tokenize our project”

Exclusive interview with Normunds ‘Norm’ Kvilis, CEO of the ICO that wants to burn all their tokens because they are not used. In change, they will distribute shares of the company

FINMA investigates the Envion ICO

Swiss supervisory body opens an investigation into the company

Interview with Dmitry Buterin

Cryptonomist had the chance to interview the Vitalik’s father to better understand how he is in the “real” life

Vitalik unveils his Cryptoeconomics vision

The cryptos are inaugurating a new economy, all based on the rules of programming. This and much more in the explanation of the ETH co-founder

The Crypto Influencer Tone Vays attacks tokenpay

The well-known crypto influencer attacks the token and Litecoin and receives a straight response

Lightning Network works as a decentralized exchange

The second level technology for Bitcoin's scalability also allows cross-chain trading between participants

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