
Tron - search results

DICE Money, a cheaper alternative to ICOs

Computer scientist Kostantin Dimitrov has created a simplified currency called DICE to launch personal coins.

Test version of the Lightning Network for Coingate

The popular gateway that allows you to accept payments in over 50 cryptocurrencies asks the bitcoiner community to check the operation and find any bugs.

Bitcoin Pizza Day, Laszlo insists and pays in satoshis

On 22 May, eight years ago he paid BTC 10,000 for the two most expensive pizzas in history. Today he has done it again, to demonstrate that the Lighting Network works

Bitex, Bitcoin used in an Argentinian bank

Bancos Masventas has started using crypto for cross-border payments. But the end user is left out.

Bankex blockchain to support multiple services

Bankex launches a platform for the arbitrations online. It includes a selection of the judges that have to decide who is right.

Google is after Vitalik Buterin

The web giant tries to recruit Ethereum's co-founder for its blockchain projects. Daniel Larimer wants the genius too, as stated in the Eos Telegram group.

Cryptocurrency TA: the sector stops to reflect

Only Tron, Binance Coin and Decred showed double-digit positive returns. The tiring phase of bitcoin continues, stuck below 8500 dollars

Parity ICO, another EU privacy victim

The service of the wallet dedicated to the subscription of token sales must shut down because it does not conform with the GDPR. Vitalik Buterin is also annoyed.

Baldwin and Banderas set for a movie about Lamborghini

Big names in Hollywood are working on a movie dedicated to the founder of the legendary car company. The project has been financed in cryptocurrencies and co-produced by Tatau

The Simpsons and Marvel’s heroes use bitcoin

The worlds of gaming and comics are increasingly mentioning cryptos and blockchain technology. Now it's the turn of the two big giants

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