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Swiss Federal Council, news on the legal implications of holding bitcoin

After discussing the differences between blockchain and DLT, we talk with Lars Schlichting about the Swiss rules on the detention of cryptocurrencies

Stablecoins and regulation

Is it really possible to regulate their use? What are the differences with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?

The limits of Lightning Network: multi-asset transactions may not work

An anonymous, but very active developer has raised a problem that, to date, does not seem to have solutions

First security token trading platform coming soon

The first regulated platform for the exchange of these assets is about to be launched in the US, in compliance with the regulations in force on the financial markets

Cambridge University published the second Crypto Asset Report

The English university has analyzed the scenario and the evolution of the cryptocurrency sector

Who regulates cryptocurrency exchanges?

There are many different regulations and procedures in the world authorising crypto exchanges

29% of freelancers in the US prefer to be paid in crypto

The survey says that the number of professionals who prefer to be paid in cryptocurrencies is in constant growth

Blockchain and product warranty

How issues related to the warranty industry can be solved with DLT

The USA investigates bitcoin wallets: sanctions for Iran

The Treasury Department manages to link BTCs resulting from scams with names of citizens of the Middle Eastern country

Coinbase launches OTC trading desk for institutional clients

The exchange announces the creation of an over-the-counter trading platform

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