
SEC - search results launches a crypto Visa card

The company is ready to launch their service in Singapore and Hong Kong, available in five cryptocurrencies: bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, MCO and Binance Coin.

The first Bcademy meetup, 7 September 2018

The Academy of cryptocurrencies of Pordenone organizes an event dedicated to the Lisbon conference Building on Bitcoin

In Naples blockchain based services are being experimented

Felice Balsamo, coordinator of the working group for the Neapolitan municipality, says: "It's not about printing money but about generating ideas and inventiveness and improving the economy using this technology"

The Istanbul stock exchange on the blockchain

The IT team of the Turkish institution announces that it intends to use DLT to synchronize and link the various services, from securities custody to clearing

Reasons behind this Bitcoin price drop

The morning started off quiet for the third consecutive day, but it then suffered a strong downward movement.

Vitalik and his ‘Liberal Radicalism’ paper

The blockchain and the crypto industry are based on open source development, so the source code, like any other type of information, is public and open to all

Samoa, onecoin transactions blocked

The Central Bank has decided to require practitioners to follow the rules like any other institution

BitTorrent news, NEO outbid Tron

Justin Sun wasn’t the only one that wanted to have the software company

Europe ICO, the issue is being addressed

Members of the Parliament in Strasbourg met to lay the foundations for a first regulatory framework concerning Initial Coin Offerings.

Iran mining will be legalized

The country's ban against cryptocurrencies begins to fall apart: the first ban to be lifted is the one against the extraction activity

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