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CFTC regulations: exchanges under investigation

The targets are the four exchanges Coinbase, Kraken, Bitstamp and itBit, which are accused of not having provided CME with some of the requested data.

Cryptocurrency Day Analysis: The bear is unleashed

The descent doesn't stop, only one positive sign out of 300 coins. Bitcoin close to the $6,400 support.

Swiss Crypto Valley tests voting on the blockchain

Residents of Zug will use the distributed ledger for voting to verify the possibility of the method in real life

“State cryptos? Premature but they will come”

For Professor A.M. Rinaldi, e-currencies frighten Bankitalia because they fear the collapse of the banking system. But he adds: "you can not stop the evolution of the economy".

ZenCash: “We want to make 51% attack impossible”

After the hack, Luca Cermelli, ZEN Country Manager, talks about it: "Double spending is not magic, it's fraud. We are already working on solutions to eliminate them once and for all".

Blockchain Rethink Trust 2018, a new event in Amsterdam

Speakers from Coinbase, IBM, Bosch, ING, CoinAlpha, Bankex, Zededa, and several other important companies will share their expertise

Bitmain Stock Exchange: mining to become huger

Jihan Wu, CEO of one of China's leading mining hardware companies, does not rule out a billion dollar IPO

YOVO mobile is the first network on Stellar’s blockchain

YOVO startup, the first mobile network on the Stellar blockchain that will be launched on the European island.

Bitcoin Cash fees to disappear

A second pool of miners joins Miners Choice initiative for free transfers

ICO Race, the winner is …

Pigzbe, Metalyfe and Desico step up on the podium of the blockchain competition. The two days of ICO Race, the Grand Prize of the token sale will make people talk about themselves in the coming months.

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