
proof of work - search results

Digital identity: The three basic approaches, their benefits and drawbacks

The advent of D.I. is inevitable in all kinds of spheres. Here’s why and what it entails

Crypto expert Andrew Peel hired by Morgan Stanley

Andrew Peel, formerly Credit Suisse, is the new head of the sector. He knows his stuff when it comes to cryptocurrencies

Cardano, developments of the Shelley project

Here are the new objectives of the blockchain, created at the behest of academics and scientists. Multisig wallets, decentralization, voting systems and stakepools are the main topics

UNICO, a startup of collectables created on the EOS blockchain

Ivan D'Ettorre, CTO of the startup on the EOS blockchain: "we're going to involve thousands of creatives, artists, musicians and more. For unique experiences and emotions

Public vs private blockchain: let the endless debate end

The real difference between permissionless and permissioned chains

Vitalik unveils his Cryptoeconomics vision

The cryptos are inaugurating a new economy, all based on the rules of programming. This and much more in the explanation of the ETH co-founder

“He’s trash”. The attack of ADA founder on Larimer

In a tweet, the founder of ADA launches insults and criticisms at one of the most successful developers in the blockchain environment. Which, however, does not answer

SBI Group launches a Japanese crypto exchange

Announced in June, SBI starts operations

Privacy with zk-SNARK in Ethereum

The transparency of the blockchain can be limited with a specific technology. Vitalik Buterin supporting it as well

Crypto art and blockchain combined for culture

In addition to galleries that accept digital coins, blockchain technology is becoming a tool for certifying works and inspiring artists

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