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Larimer says stop to EOS private keys

Some novelties proposed by the founder Daniel Larimer to improve the usability of the crypto

Eidoo Bitcoin Wallet now available on iOS

We are very happy to announce that today, August 6th, we have launched the Eidoo Bitcoin Wallet on the latest version of the iOS...

REX tokens, a way to incentivise EOS holders

Daniel Larimer announces his proposal: Resource Renting and Rent Distribution

Caribbean citizenship is paid for with Bitcoin

Antigua and Barbuda have decided to accept BTC and other cryptos from wealthy investors who apply for nationality. The cost varies from 400 thousand to 5 million dollars.

ETH gas prices accusations, Dan Larimer’s answer

The Ethereum network is currently processing as many transactions as it can. The prices have been rising, and the community is pointing its finger at EOS, more specifically Block One, as the responsible

Bancor hacked, and its funds frozen

The decentralized exchange remains frozen to avoid possible damage, but protests rise on social media

Virtual currency market: Cryptos in decline but ICOs rising

In May 2018, 4.99 billion US dollars were raised, more than the top of March at 3.37 billion. The geography of tokens sales also changes, it's a race at the British Virgin Islands

Daniel Larimer EOS co-founder disappointed

A BP accidentally restores a frozen account and takes advantage of a hacker that makes many cryptos disappear. Co-founder Daniel Larimer says he's disappointed and proposes to clear the Constitution

Don’t miss these EOS airdrops

DApps that are going to be launched on the blockchain are EOS's greatest resource, they're also wealth for those who hold the tokens

TokenJar adds 400 tokens in six weeks

The new exchange has listed coins that are less known, filling a niche in the cryptocurrency market

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