
Bitcoin Cash - search results

EOS fork, Telos fixes mainnet defects

A mainnet update of the most known crypto project of the moment is coming soon

Bear unleashed, market cap under 200 billion

Sales continue, today Bitcoin Diamond, Dash and Dogecoin are safe, while Bitcoin has to test the 6,000 threshold

Dorsey: “Blockchain as a solution to Twitter scams”

According to the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, the technology "has a lot of unused potential". He also admits that his social is the most exposed to online scams, even compared to Facebook and Google. launches a crypto Visa card

The company is ready to launch their service in Singapore and Hong Kong, available in five cryptocurrencies: bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, MCO and Binance Coin.

Strong accusations against the BitMEX exchange

According to various posts, there's manipulation within the big exchange: insider trading, inflated trades and liquidity and favouritism towards some traders. However, no conclusive evidence is available

Revolut Metal pays you back in crypto

A credit card defined as an alternative to banks enters the world of digital currencies

Celebrities and crypto, a good match

From top scorer Messi and the king of gloves Tyson to the actress Paltrow and Sir Richard Branson, here are some VIPs that embrace the blockchain revolution

Costa Rica, crypto salaries are legal

This is the thesis of Rolando Perlaza, a well-known lawyer and university professor, for whom at least part of his salary can be paid in digital coins. As in the case of Israel

Confidence is a risk, even in the digital world

We have been used to protecting our physical assets for thousands of years, but with cryptocurrencies, it is not possible. And this limits greater adoption

Privacy with zk-SNARK in Ethereum

The transparency of the blockchain can be limited with a specific technology. Vitalik Buterin supporting it as well

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