
DEW - search results

Fewer scams in the ICO market

Advice from a long-standing Cryptoinvestor on the current market of token sales and cryptocurrencies: "Watch out now for the bull traps"

Market goes red after the SEC decision

SEC decision is once again making markets drop.

Crypto pattern: The SEC keeps the market on hold

The rebound of mid-August seems to have lost its momentum. Despite the weekly balance remaining positive for all the top 25 coins, the day is characterized by red signs

Technical Cicle: The bear is back in the game

August starts with the red sign for many cryptocurrencies. There are few green signs, including KuCoin and Stellar. Ripple is doing very well after the announcements, the market has definitely appreciated

Trade cryptocurrency: Bitcoin recovers dominance

The market continues sideways after the lows of last weekend. The crypto queen takes advantage of this and returns to 43% of the market cap. Green signs for Ethereum Classic, Icon, Stellar and Eos.

Bitcoin volume, the ups and downs

Have you seen the price of Bitcoin lately? It’s not only moving sideways as generally dropping in volume.

Cryptocurrency analysis: Tron and EOS stop partying

The last day of the month shows highs and lows. In the list of the first 50 coins, half range from red to green. Slowly ascending after hitting the lows

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