
chainalysis us - search results

China: the ban does not stop over-the-counter crypto trading

According to an analysis, the scenario remains dominated by China

Nexo launches special debit card for cryptocurrencies

The card offers the possibility to spend the value of the deposited cryptocurrencies without actually spending them

Bitcoin illegal transactions in sharp decline: less than 1%

Figures are significantly lower than the 7% recorded in 2012

62% of Tether’s transactions are in China

A recent report reveals that the vast majority of USDT is moved on unregulated exchanges

The G20 wants crypto regulation

The Task Force that also deals with AML is trying to develop new standards for companies in the sector

376 people hold 33% of the ethereum (ETH) in circulation

A new study shows the correlation between the two cryptocurrencies. The so-called whales are not moving the value of as one might think

Bitcoin: drug trafficking prevented thanks to traceability

Virtual currencies can be tracked, not least for errors made by the user

Coinbase CEO on the Neutrino acquisition: “the Hacking Team will be fired”

The exchange announced the choice of action in order to clear its name from the scandal

Coinbase: the Neutrino scandal and the #DeleteCoinbase campaign

The controversial acquisition of a blockchain analysis company, previously involved in questionable activities in favour of authoritarian regimes, has triggered a disgusting reaction in the crypto community

Vertex Ventures invests in Binance

Vertex Ventures has announced a strategic investment in Binance. At the same time, the launch of Binance Singapore was also announced with the aim of expanding in the region.

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