
matic - search results

Lufthansa launches the Aviation Blockchain

The German airline, in partnership with the software giant, launches the Aviation Blockchain Challenge. The goal: to improve efficiency and customer experience

Deloitte meets dlt technologies

A report shows opportunities and threats from the use of blockchain technology, starting with accounting

Facebook and Apple, tech giants and blockchain (part 1)

Although cryptos are viewed with suspicion the DLT gains momentum with the giants of the advanced sectors. Projects are in progress

“He’s trash”. The attack of ADA founder on Larimer

In a tweet, the founder of ADA launches insults and criticisms at one of the most successful developers in the blockchain environment. Which, however, does not answer

Privacy with zk-SNARK in Ethereum

The transparency of the blockchain can be limited with a specific technology. Vitalik Buterin supporting it as well

In Hong Kong, a blockchain-based financing platform

Following the agreement between the Central Bank and Ping An of China, a platform will be set up to handle funding requests. And also to prevent fraud

Discovering Cardano platform

A brief guide to the project that proposes itself as a third generation blockchain after those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. With some notes on the crypto

Electrify Singapore, the blockchain enters the electric retail sector

Startup Singapore Electrify will focus on Japan and Oceania from 2019. The contracts will be transformed into lines of code and loaded as smart contracts on the Bitcoin network.

Less expensive policies with the Blockchain insurance

Globally, the sector could have savings of up to 200 billion. And produce at least seven technical advantages

The blockchain enters Islamic finance

The new Wethaq platform will offer technology to speed up contracts, consistent with religious principles

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