
payments - search results

Test version of the Lightning Network for Coingate

The popular gateway that allows you to accept payments in over 50 cryptocurrencies asks the bitcoiner community to check the operation and find any bugs.

Bitex, Bitcoin used in an Argentinian bank

Bancos Masventas has started using crypto for cross-border payments. But the end user is left out.

Bankex blockchain to support multiple services

Bankex launches a platform for the arbitrations online. It includes a selection of the judges that have to decide who is right.

The Simpsons and Marvel’s heroes use bitcoin

The worlds of gaming and comics are increasingly mentioning cryptos and blockchain technology. Now it's the turn of the two big giants

Samsung policies regarding blockchain

The Samsung SDS branch created for logistics development wins the contract to provide life insurance, a market of 3.7 billion dollars

Bitmain invests 110 million in Circle

The two giants sign a millionaire deal. The goal? To create a new stable coin pegged to the dollar, the blockchain in service of the patients

Medicalchain announces the birth of a telemedicine platform for video calling and sharing medical records with your doctor, as well as payments with MedTokens (MTN) Medicalchain is an organization that deals with health care, providing solutions and services that use blockchain technology.

Iran and Russia could use cryptocurrencies

To circumvent the limitations imposed by the US and the SWIFT system, Iran and Russia are considering using cryptocurrencies for their international trades.

Putin, Maduro and some secrets about Petro

Evrofinance was the first bank to accept payments for the purchase of the crypto. But the brains behind it are the Venezuelan government and the Russian company Gazprom.

Circle is creating a dollar-based cryptocurrency

Goldman Sachs' digital payments company will release a blockchain-based "digital copy" of the US dollar, the USD Coin

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