
wallet bitcoin - search results

Crypto art and blockchain combined for culture

In addition to galleries that accept digital coins, blockchain technology is becoming a tool for certifying works and inspiring artists

ETH gas prices accusations, Dan Larimer’s answer

The Ethereum network is currently processing as many transactions as it can. The prices have been rising, and the community is pointing its finger at EOS, more specifically Block One, as the responsible

The Lightning Network payments on Woocommerce takes off

The first Wordpress plugin to enable fast and cheap bitcoin payments is available

Discovering Cardano platform

A brief guide to the project that proposes itself as a third generation blockchain after those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. With some notes on the crypto

Coinbase CTO: 60x increase in crypto adoption

Balaji S. Srinivasan compared cryptocurrency usage with the smartphone one, stating that it is just getting started and we should still expect a massive growth

Whales scammed with the Harpoon Cannon

A brief vademecum on how owners of multi-million dollar wallets are scammed. For example, with the sophisticated technique of "Harpoon Cannon".

Europe officially recognizes virtual currencies

All EU member states will have to implement a Directive defining cryptocurrencies from a legal point of view by January 2020

Lightning Network channels make swift progress

It is estimated that its capacity has reached in a short time the figure of 9,000 channels. A boom equivalent to over 57 BTCs

Bulgarian government second world holder of BTC

A total value of about 1.5 billion dollars is estimated from seizures to criminal organizations. A figure surpassed only by Satoshi Nakamoto

More anonymity with Lightning Network and CoinJoin XT

There are tricks to increase your desire for privacy, but sometimes it’s just not enough. Hence the "deniability" project proposed by Adam Gibson

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