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The Blue Planet: focus on ocean conservation

June 8th is the World Oceans Day 2019 Today, June 8th 2019, we celebrate the World Oceans Day, a global event that reminds and enhances...

Ujo Music and the crypto songwriter from Ticino

An online platform for selling songs with cryptocurrency payments, without commissions

Bitfinex: RGB for Tether on Lightning Network

Interview with Giacomo Zucco of BHB Network explaining the new protocol

BIP32, 39 and 44: differences between the most used seeds by wallets

A series of non-logical words to always recover the funds of your portfolio

The 11 best tools for blockchain developers

A technology born recently that has generated a huge business especially in the cryptocurrency space

Peter Schiff: governments can stop Bitcoin

The veteran of the gold market has argued that the queen of cryptocurrencies can never become a real substitute for gold and that it could even disappear if it were made illegal

Fake website sells the stolen bitcoins from Binance

The 7000 BTCs are being tracked by Whale Alert.

Peter Schiff: “bitcoin can’t replace gold”

The founder of has made a comparison with cryptocurrencies, concluding that the differences are too many to consider the latter as a possible replacement

Some popular hashtags against plastic

Sustainability initiatives behind the metadata tags The current language on social networks and web services is also expressed by the fight against plastic. In fact,...

Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, according to the timestamp

The evidence provided was allegedly falsified, according to security expert Matthew Edman.

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