
brazil - search results

Bitcoin adoption rate increased by 700% in 5 years

The number of businesses worldwide that now accept BTC has risen from about 1,800 in December 2013, to more than 14,000 in December 2018.

Bitcoin protagonist at the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro

An esteemed Brazilian samba school enjoyed creating new costumes for the famous event

Venezuela, what will happen to the Petro cryptocurrency?

In the South American country, a revolution is underway against the government of Maduro. Here's what could happen to the crypto project anchored to oil reserves

What countries use bitcoin? A list of the most crypto-friendly places

The list of countries where the virtual currency is most widespread based on some indicators

Dash Crypto News: the December report

Introduction of 34 proposals for the development, integration and marketing of the cryptocurrency's community

IBM Carrefour collaboration to improve food tracking

The IT giant joins forces with the large-scale organised distribution to track products via blockchain

Crypto football, blockchain in the world of sport

Known to be conservative, even this sport is beginning to implement blockchain technology

Jorge Farias: “To date, no trace of the Petro”

The Venezuelan entrepreneur, founder of Cryptobuyer, confirms that the cryptocurrency does not exist. Meanwhile, inflation reaches 200% per month

BRICS bank focusing on blockchain technology

The major emerging nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have decided to engage in the development of DLT through their development bank NDB

SEMrush, a report on the fintech sector in 2018

The famous web marketing portal publishes a study on the trends of the sector in the last year, in 7 countries. FB comes out on top, surpassed by YouTube only in Spain

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