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Who are the cryptotycoons?

Statista and Forbes provide a ranking of the rich in the world of virtual currencies, with some surprises

The Omnitude ICO, becomes a member of Hyperledger

Today the UK company joined the blockchain project of the Linux Foundation

Why Cryptocurrency Matters

On my last piece I defended the idea that the market will experience a bubble due to the fact people over-hype projects and don’t truly understand the relationship between money and technology.

Crypto market today: bounce signals after the storm

A weekend of fear saw prices fall to their lowest levels since last February. The sector is now recovering, with ONT at +21%, followed by Monero, Ethereum Classic and Eos

Hacken reveals CER, Crypto Exchange Rates

Hacken launches first partial reliability index, let's see how it works

Crypto market updates: Bears are pressuring the market

Bitcoin suffers technical resistances and gives up on attacking 6850. Centrality puts the turbo on

Bithumb hack, 30 million dollars stolen

About 30 million dollars were stolen at the largest Korean exchange. Deposits suspended, but "everything will be returned".

Crypto market news: time to celebrate

The market attempts to recover after several days of suffering. Positive signs for 95% of digital coins, Ontology is doing very well

Daily crypto trading: Bears are still here, cryptos try the rise

The small rise experienced yesterday morning was rejected by the bear, and prices return to Saturday evening levels

The Tether Case – the Bitfinex audit

Everything you need to know about the stable coin of the most important exchange in the world

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